03 Steps to #DecodeTheBias
03 Steps to #DecodeTheBias
Ready to get started decoding bias? Below are the steps you can start taking to help influence search results to be more inclusive of all types of beauty!

[ 01 ]
Subscribe to content that embodies diversity and inclusion.This will influence algorithms and content creators to prioritize diverse and inclusive content.
[ 02 ]
When posting photos on your website or social channels, name and tag all parts of the image with keywords that need influencing.
This includes the file name, hashtags, and captions, which will help impact what’s shown in search results.

[ 03 ]
When posting any content to the web, make a hyperlink using a keyword that needs influencing. Send that link to a page or image that embodies diversity.
For example, make the phrase “flawless skin” link to a page showing diverse skin.
Olay has pledged to #DecodetheBias within our own platform with the Olay Skin Advisor, a tool that uses a selfie to recommend skincare products. The brand engaged AJL audit partner ORCAA (O'Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing) to assess the Olay Skin Advisor’s AI, identifying issues of bias and recommending steps for remediation, with Joy Buolamwini providing expertise throughout the process.
The algorithm was found to be less accurate for certain age groups (at the lower and upper ends of the age-spectrum) and slightly less accurate for people with darker skin tones, and Olay has already begun the process of updating the data set to reflect more age and skin tone diversity to address this.
You can access the full report here.